Welcome Back Matt Blair!

April 19, 2008 / Editorial, News

Matt Blair, singer and songwriter has decided to come back home to Wilmington and we’re thrilled. Matt took a leap of faith and moved to Nashville to follow his dream of making music for a living. Now he and his family have decided that our little beach town is where they belong and we welcome them back with open arms. I was honored to be asked to shoot his album cover entitled “Letting Go”. I still remember the looks on their faces when I suggested having him toss an acoustical guitar into the ocean. Hopefully Matt will be playing at more of our services at PC3 as well at other venues around town.
You can find his inspirational music on iTunes and look for his new album later this year.

“PURSUIT” Video | A Car Chase for God

April 8, 2008 / Editorial, Film

Pursuit 1

As many of you already know, I have been volunteering with our very cool church PC3 (http://www.portcitychurch.org) for a couple of years now. About a month ago my very talented friend Evan Vetter, director of e*Media at PC3, asked me if I would serve as Director of Photography on his largest production to date. Of course I said “Yes!”

The result is a short film that enhances the weekly worship experience and sets up the message for that particular sermon series. In this case we are learning about the “pursuit” of Wisdom. What better way to bring these passages from Proverbs into the 21st century but by creating a car chase!

A few quick facts regarding this production:

  • 1 Custom score created for this film
  • 2 Automobiles worth over $100,000
  • 3 Panasonic HVX-200 high definition video cameras
  • 5 Professional stunt drivers
  • 6 Shooting days on location
  • 7 Actors (3 pros—can you tell which are the amateurs?)
  • 25+ volunteers, all of whom attend our church
  • And numerous in-house CGI special effects

Check out my latest effort as Director of Photography below….

Pursuit Intro HD from Port City Community Church on Vimeo.

Pursuit 5

Pursuit 2

Pursuit 4

Pursuit 3

photos taken by Scott Piner | http://www.scottpiner.com/

“CONNECTED” | Series for Port City Church

April 1, 2008 / Editorial, Film

“Connected” was a message series at church featuring my daughter, Lucy. My responsibilities included shooting the printed program, lighting the video, wardrobe selection and of course wrangling my four-year-old. This is another great example of PC3’s dedication to excellence in branding their individual sermon series.

[flv width=”426″ height=”240″]http://www.pc3production.org/videos/random/connected_bump.flv[/flv]

“ANY GIVEN MORNING” | Surf Film Receives Honors In Puerto Rico

March 25, 2008 / Editorial, Film

We just found out that our local surf documentary has been selected to run at this year’s international film festival in Rincon, Puerto Rico!

For those of you who missed it, last year I had my first stab at Director of Photography. A friend of Katy’s (Laurel Hughes) asked me if I would help her tell her story about an eclectic group of surfers that frequent a certain break at Wrightsville Beach.

Our film entitled “Any Given Morning” was shot entirely on a shoestring
budget and all of the interviews are real surfers (no actors) and use their own words to describe their passion for the sport.

“Any Given Morning” debuted at Wilmington’s Cucalorus Film Festival 2007.


Any Given Morning poster

shooting from the water 1