When you visit our FACES portrait site, one thing you’ll notice is that there are always two images (a vertical + a horizontal) shown together. We call them “pairings,” don’t ask me why. A fun little tidbit is that the individual images are shot that way— no cropping. After shooting the July Focus on the Coast cover featuring Lumina Station, Lumina’s marketing director, Bryan Kristof, hired CDP to create a portrait pairing for himself.
FACES Campaign Continues
We loved the shots of Ksenia (kuh-SEEN-ne-ya) from the the fall fashion shoot, so we picked a couple for the October monthly print ad and the Focus on the Coast email blast – the Weekend Buzz. Love that Russian accent too!
It’s a Tough Job
…but somebody’s gotta do it! For the September issue of Focus on the Coast, I worked with local fashion expert Jess James, locally known as “Style Girl”. She pulled some beautiful clothes, picked some gorgeous models and we spent a day shooting downtown Wilmington. Here are a few of the images (one from each model) that didn’t make the magazine spread. See more pictures here…http://tiny.cc/FOTC_Fashion
Kids, Dogs & Ice Cream
When I was just starting out, one of my photography mentors told me, “Chris, the three hardest things you will ever have to shoot are kids, dogs and ice cream.” My first cover assignment for Focus on the Coast (see blog post dated – July 1st) was two kids. For this month’s cover, they threw a dog at me. Not literally of course! All kidding aside, I really enjoyed working with the fine folks at Luxe. They made us feel right at home and adding their store mascot, Lucy, to the shot was a great call. What’s even funnier is that we are now talking to a brand-new potential client. Three guesses what they sell.
This Ain’t Work
It’s nice when “work” feels so much like play. Every so often, I get to leave the lights and the the crew behind. No scripts, no clapboard— just a couple of lenses and some willing (and sometimes not-so-willing) participants. I don’t believe in propping children in front of poorly painted canvases and teasing them with hand puppets. Let ’em play. Let ’em get dirty. Even when it’s a hundred degrees, they’d rather be outside. Then you’ll get those moments that remind us why we decided to be parents in the first place.
K&BG’s Sleeping Bags
Don’t ya love it when it all comes together. Take for example the two 15-second spots we shot for Kitchen & Bath Galleries announcing their Expo in May (see the post titled “No Shouting Required”). After the event brought in new clients, K&BG asked us to shoot a 30-second branding spot. The idea they liked best: you’ll love your new room so much that you’ll never want to leave. See how it happily plays out below.
Local Magazine Taps CDP
I was honored to shoot the cover for one of Wilmington’s coolest magazines. Tourists and locals alike love Focus on the Coast for its fun, relevant articles and tips on everything from what to wear, to where to eat. Featured in the July issue is Lumina Station ~ a small mecca of upscale shops and eateries. We thought it would be fun to show a couple of kids enjoying this outdoor shopping venue. Look for more Focus on the Coast covers from us coming soon!
Goodnight Sleepstore TV
Here’s a sneak peek at “Insomniac,” a brand-new spot for the Goodnight Sleepstore that starts running in June. This is the second ad of a campaign that’s generating a lot of buzz for the mattress retailer. I enjoyed working with director Joey Connolley again. More collaboration is coming this summer to a TV near you, so keep your eyes open. 🙂
Yes, We Still Do Stills!
Somebody asked me the other day if I still took pictures. I know I’ve been doing a lot of video lately, but YES, photography is still a big part of the game plan! So in response to that comment, I’m ramping up promotion for my portrait work. Capturing a person’s personality in their element has always been a rewarding assignment and I love getting those calls. If you’re new to the blog, check out the FACES site at cdphoto.com/faces. For the entire FACES collection (50 total) , just click on the “Download a PDF” button on the left side of the FACES home page.
Message on a Bumper
“It’s a still…no, it’s a film.” Actually it’s a lot of stills put together to make them look like a film. It’s also the latest video project for the E-media team at PC3. For the new sermon series on idolatry, we combined stop-motion animation with the “Jesus Saves” bumper sticker concept to show how we place less-worthy things above our Creator. Smartly directed and edited by Jesse Bond. Enjoy the ride!