It doesn’t have to be a beautiful day to create some beautiful photographs……
Will You Please Shoot My Kids?
As the holidays kicked in, I got a flurry (ha ha) of calls from moms inquiring about photographing their little cherubs. It’s not easy for parents to capture their offspring’s precious moments. They spend countless hours (and dollars on gear) and just end up frustrated in most cases. I’m enjoying these little assignments more and more lately. I get paid to go run around at a park or the beach and be a kid, too. Here are a few of my favorite images from one of our sessions.
Not Your Typical Family Portrait
Word Up!
Thought you’d enjoy a few shots of Lucy as WordGirl, the PBS Kids superheroine who fights crime with her vocabulary. Hope you had a great Halloween and have a loquacious week!
Friday Night Lights
It’s fall, and it’s Friday night. To a lot of folks, that can mean only one thing—Football. A friend of mine who works as a field official invited me to shoot a high school game here in Wilmington. As an avid football fan, I excitedly agreed. One of the best calls of the night was to capture the game in black and white, which tends to elevate the drama (we all know how dramatic high school was, right?). It was a nail-biter, and the home team edged out the visitors in the final moments.

Party Like It’s 1999
On October 25th, Port City Community Church turned 10 years old. The idea was to throw a little party and celebrate this truly amazing story of faith. The media team was determined to take it up a notch. Instead of just telling the story of the church’s progress over the years, the creative director (Evan Vetter) and a host of helpers wrote a rap song and scripted a video featuring a time machine and surreal special effects. I was honored to handle some of the camera work and lighting. Video, MP3 and lyrics can be found here:
Catalyst 2009: Larger-Than-Life Inspiration
I was invited to shoot one of the largest conventions for church leaders in the country. It’s called Catalyst and it’s held in Atlanta every October. Speakers like Dave Ramsey, Tony Dungy, Rob Bell and Andy Stanley regaled the 12,000-plus crowd with inspiration and wisdom. An event of this size is visually overwhelming. The mega stage with constantly changing lights, the festival-like exhibits and of course all the people make for challenging photography. And I love it! Being hired to walk around (14 hours the 1st day) and shoot what you see is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of assignments. This is a taste of what I saw. Email me for links to many more images.
30 Seconds in 12 Hours
A local small business owner wanted to share his plans to give back a percentage of his profits to two faith-based charities. So he hired Joey Connolley and yours truly to create a 30-second spot. We shot it with my new Canon 5D Mark II which not only creates stunning stills, but captures 1080 high definition footage too. We shot it in the morning, converted and edited it in the afternoon and by 8:00 o’clock that night we had an approved commercial. So whether you need 30 seconds or just a fraction of that to tell your story, we’d love to shoot it.
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