Definitive Pictures’ director Joey Connolley hired me to help him shoot a clever little spot for a local mattress shop. We used one of the newest Canon HDSLR cameras due to it’s sensitivity in low light. The best ads always start with a great idea. The client has already ordered two more.
Please Have a Seat And Someone Will Call Your Name Shortly
My doctor friend referred me to his practice. They needed an updated group shot and some portraits. After their shot list was completed, I fired off some images of him in their waiting room. Nice socks, Doc! 🙂
Sunday Morning….
… means a lot of different things to people. Sleeping in, having brunch, or going for a walk on the beach are among a few. For me, Sunday mornings usually include either attending or volunteering for Port City Community Church. It definitely ain’t your grandma’s church. Last week I was asked to capture a few pics of their new stage set-up. Here are a few of my favorites.
Find the New You
We’re 45 days into 2010. Today, as many folks are enjoying that last piece of Valentine’s Day chocolate, I’m finally committing to My One Word for the year. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, click on the banner above. Instead of reeling off New Year’s resolutions (which are probably a distant memory by now for most people), our pastor came up with this idea to focus on just one word for a whole year. Pretty cool, huh? Simply pick a word that will push you to become the kind of person you really want to be. Go to and give it a shot. For the record, my word is “CLOSER” (as in opposite of farther) because by the end of 2010, I want to be closer to the man God knows I have the potential to be.
We’re Rolling!
I’m thrilled to be sharing a new website and a new Vimeo channel with you all. I’d like to thank a few folks for helping me get to this point. Evan, Joey, Jesse, Paschal and Joseph — your guidance and support is much appreciated. I’ve always said that the reason I loved photography was because it’s a beautiful blend of art and science. Well, now that combo has a really fast engine and flames painted on the side. Fasten your seat belts!
See these short films and ads on our new channel at
New Logo Look and Tag
As we gear up for the release of the new CDP Motion site  on 2/1/10 I wanted to go ahead and share the new colors and tag line with everyone. We’ve  shifted into a new gear! Stay tuned…
NEW Director of Photography Reel
Today I shared my new reel as Director of Photography with a few Twitter and Facebook friends. If you didn’t get the link, you can see it below. This collection of clips is from short films and commercials that I’ve been working on recently. Coming soon is a new website called Motion AND a Vimeo channel that will feature most of these videos in their entirety. The need for this content is growing rapidly. And we’re ready to create it. Let’s roll!
In a World of Texting and Tweeting…
Life Happens
“We need to shoot a foot chase,” said Evan Vetter, the creative director for PC3’s media department. “I’ll be out of town. Can you guys handle this one?” Insert smiley face here. Little did the director, JR Jones, and I know that we’d be shooting on one of the coldest days this winter—and the talent had to wear T-shirts! This film (see link below) was shot in 11 hours on the Canon 5D markII. My favorite scene is the “shadows” clip. When we were scouting, I suggested it might complement the action sequences nicely. I’m really stoked about working in film. Can you tell?
Production stills courtesy of Parrish Stikeleather.