Here’s a sneak peek at “Insomniac,” a brand-new spot for the Goodnight Sleepstore that starts running in June. This is the second ad of a campaign that’s generating a lot of buzz for the mattress retailer. I enjoyed working with director Joey Connolley again. More collaboration is coming this summer to a TV near you, so keep your eyes open. 🙂
Yes, We Still Do Stills!
Somebody asked me the other day if I still took pictures. I know I’ve been doing a lot of video lately, but YES, photography is still a big part of the game plan! So in response to that comment, I’m ramping up promotion for my portrait work. Capturing a person’s personality in their element has always been a rewarding assignment and I love getting those calls. If you’re new to the blog, check out the FACES site at For the entire FACES collection (50 total) , just click on the “Download a PDF” button on the left side of the FACES home page.
Message on a Bumper
“It’s a still…no, it’s a film.” Actually it’s a lot of stills put together to make them look like a film. It’s also the latest video project for the E-media team at PC3. For the new sermon series on idolatry, we combined stop-motion animation with the “Jesus Saves” bumper sticker concept to show how we place less-worthy things above our Creator. Smartly directed and edited by Jesse Bond. Enjoy the ride!
No Shouting Required
“COME ON DOWN!!” is a phrase that you will never hear in one of my commercials. Instead, how about a call-to-action with a little more class. Take for instance these two 15-second spots for my new client Kitchen & Bath Galleries. They’re having a remodeling expo in May and would like to invite some folks around town. The idea was to incorporate the mailer into the ads and feature two of their beautiful room designs. We hope these spots do the trick, without any yelling.
What’s Inside Jason’s Head?
“Can you shoot a political spot?” was the question. For the most part, I really don’t like political ads. Could I create one that was different? And effective? So I presented the “Thoughts” concept where instead of seeing someone endlessly talking about their agenda, you would hear what was going on inside their head. If all goes well in the primaries, this is just the first of a series of spots, each featuring a new platform point. Other opportunities for visuals of quiet reflection include cutting the grass, jogging, etc. So if you’d like to see more—and you happen to be registered in New Hanover County, NC—vote for Jason Harris for County Commissioner!
A Girl at the Beach
Living where I do, it’s not uncommon to be asked to do a portrait session at the beach. Every evening about an hour before sunset, flocks of photographers head east with their subjects to record them in khakis and bare feet. And while its always a challenge to truly capture someone that you have never met, there’s something about the sand and the sea that’s makes everyone relax a little. Even the shy ones. Here are a few of my favorite images from my last session with a girl at the beach.
NC Healthy Start Breastfeeding TV Spot
I was referred to the communications director of the NC Healthy Start Foundation by a friend in the business. They discovered many young mothers in eastern North Carolina were choosing not to breast-feed. The foundation wanted to create a 30-second spot appealing to these new moms, pointing out the many benefits of breast-feeding for both mom and baby. When they asked me to shoot some stills along with the spot, the studio portrait concept  was born.
More Bling
Here are a few more images from our second shoot at Albert F. Rhodes jewelers….
The Whole World in His Hands
The media team at Port City Community Church (PC3) wanted to create a video that would complement a new series about worry and its detrimental effects on our lives. The weather forecast was for sun, but high winds made for a bit of a challenge working with the 4-foot inflatable. We definitely got some interesting looks (and smiles) while filming on location. See if you can relate to this guy as he runs around town with the whole world in his hands, literally.
Albert F. Rhodes
Legendary local jeweler Albert F. Rhodes decided it was time to update the store’s website. Wilmington-based WordwrightWeb, hired me to create some images to enhance their new layouts. I enjoyed working with still life again. It was a nice contrast to the recent video productions. Playing with these beautiful pieces made the day go by really fast. And despite my wife’s pleas, no trade outs this time.